I can't lie, I am thinking about my usual Hubby's-away-crack-open-the-wine-and-chocolate. But it's not all consuming and deli snacks are cutting the mustard.
Friday, 30 May 2014
Monday, 26 May 2014
The whites of my eyes
... are noticeably whiter today. I don't know when it happened but it's pretty.
We trotted off to the garden centre in true British bank holiday fashion today. We decided to grab some picnic stuff in Tesco on the way. I chose a reduced price feta salad with quinoa and some sushi. I ate them with a saintly aura surrounding me, before reading the ingredients... Sugar. Heaps of it. Poo.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Despite my best efforts, my children, especially my eldest, are sugar fiends. Today we had lunch at Mum's and she served ice cream for pudding. I was relieved to find I wasn't remotely tempted as I often over indulge at Mum's. My son asked for seconds though and I had an argument with Mum about why that was not acceptable. Later, when I wasn't looking, she fed him a chocolate bar. Juggling the different expectations and desires of family members is hard. Teaching children healthy habits is hard. There comes a time when peer pressure kicks in that you have to trust them to make the right choices. Doesn't look like my 7 year old is not quite on the right track.
Anyway, I was going to discuss thirst. My diabetic relative reports she does not feel thirst like she should. I know she often eats when it is actually thirst she is feeling. Anyway, since giving up sugar, I've become more aware of my sense of thirst and it's much easier to distinguish from hunger. I don't have to remind myself to drink anymore. That has to be a good thing.
This week I am not feeling full of energy. I also haven't lost any weight. I suspect increased bread consumption is playing a part. Bread and I don't get on. I'm just finding hard to actually eat enough and have been topping up with bread. I'll sort that out this in the coming week :-)
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
A history lesson
I've just been watching something on TV about how sugar was so essential to moral during WW2 that the Silvertown sugar refinery in London began building air raid shelters two years before the Blitz began. And workers never left the site, even at the height of the blitz. The Germans targeted the sugar factory specifically, presumably because they knew how important sugar was to us. It makes me wonder about how London's landscape could have been changed if we weren't so reliant on sugar.
It's happened!
Everyone at work is telling me I'm glowing! Two different people have told me my skin looks good today :-)
Another side effect I noticed yesterday is a new sense of thirst. I'll write more on that later.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
A treat
The shop also has a cafe upstairs that sells a selection of vegetarian, vegan and gluten free meals. Today I had a mushroom quiche with cornbread and salad and my daughter had a hummus sandwich and salad. But the best thing is they sell a range of sugar and artificial sweetener free puddings :-) Here is a vegan raw chocolate cheesecake I took to takeaway and eat later... divine.
Sunday, 18 May 2014
I am utterly speechless. In a good way. I couldn't think of a title that expressed my shock and surprise when I stepped on the scales this morning. 10st12lb. I've been battling to get below 11st again since Christmas. I like 10st7lb the best. But I've been eating whatever I like, when I like for what, two weeks now, and I've lost 6lb. I know I lost a couple when I was ill, but even so. And what's more, its the wobbly bits, not my lovely muscle. My muffin tops have gone - hurrah! I didn't know sugar could do that. I didn't know that a calorie deficit with sugar would produce slower weight loss than not calorie counting sugar free foods. Weird science.
Also, last night around 10pm, I suddenly felt ALIVE! I felt I could run for miles and dance and leap and play. I didn't of course. I sensibly went to bed and slept right through. No insomnia here folks. (It's not unusual for me to go through periods of good sleep though, so that might not be the sugar) Anyway, not the most interesting of updates, but an important one to record for the journey I think. Have a nice day anyone who's reading :-)
Friday, 16 May 2014
Poorly tummy
In case anyone was wondering if my lapse led to anything else, no I got straight back on the sugar free horse. On Wednesday night I made some banana ice cream with cocoa in it. And it came back to see me again in the early hours of Thursday morning :-( Not good, and I think it's put me off banana for a long while. A lovely neighbour brought round some Pepsi Max to settle my stomach and I drank it all before remembering I'm not having artificial sweeteners, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it as it was to settle my stomach. Tonight's evening snack has been homemade popcorn sprinkled with cayenne pepper - yum. And a cup of Attic Spice choco tea, which is infused with cocoa beans and cloves amongst other things.
One thing I was reflecting on today is that it's much easier to steer clear of the sweet stuff now. Today I was home alone (not allowed back to work so soon after an upset stomach) and normally that would have led me to having one or two naughty treats in front of daytime TV. I drove past the supermarket and did consider it, but it was so easy to drive past. The allure had gone. I'm yet to encounter how strong the pull will be when I'm upset over something. I'm a big emotional eater. I also have certain rituals. Like if my hubby is away for the weekend, I will have a big bar of cadbury or galaxy to myself. Time will tell as he's away at the end of this month...
The juicy details
Monday, 12 May 2014
A proper hello
Saturday, 10 May 2014
You want me to do a marathon backwards?
Friday, 9 May 2014
adieu, bon appetite, and welcome to a new three monther.
As the title states, I wanted to try the sugar free life for three months and I've done it. In fact I've cruised it.
The first couple of weeks were insanely hard, the headache almost took over for 24 hours! But my life is immeasurably improved.
In what way?
- My moods have levelled out, there are few spikes or drops, but when they happen I know it's genuine.
- I don't know when I'm due to start my period, other than a low feeling of pressure when I do start. There are no tears, no snapping at the family, no cramps nor backache.
- I have energy to do things, it's a continuous energy that doesn't fluctuate throughout the day.
- I no longer feel like I've been filled with a thick liquid that makes moving seem like too much effort.
- I no longer crave nor want sugar. I often think that I want a slice of cake, but it's not the same. My mind isn't taken over by the need for cake, I don't lose sight of anything else until I've sliced off a wedge and crammed it into my mouth, only to be filled with regret afterwards. I only want cake because, sometimes, I think I'm missing out. Then I just need to remember all the positives I have going for me instead.
- The most important change is that I often, spontaneously, run around and play tag with my kids. And I've done this before they're too old to play tag. This is the best positive that has come from my experiment.
Saturday, 3 May 2014
daily menus.
Breakfast is always a variaron on the theme of porridge. Sometimes I eat the oats raw (it's a childhood thing, I love it). If it's cooked I add honey and nuts, when it's raw I add fruit. It's yummy ;)
Lunch could be eg. A 2 egg omelet with some kind of meat, some veggies like peppers, avocado, tomatoes, courgette. I may chuck in some cheese or seeds. Sometimes I do a salad with similar things. I might do soup. But it's usually a case of chucking together stuff that I have in the fridge...
Dinner is whatever we're eating for dinner, be it fish, chips and peas our curry our shepherds pie. Whatever it is, just ensure there's no sugar or chemical crap in it.
For pudding I often eat full fat, plain yogurt with honey and I might add some fruit or nuts. I also make 'Ice cream'. Put a sliced up banana in the freezer, once it's frozen (doesn't take long), whizz it up in a blender. It will go through a period of being granular before becoming like ready scoop ice cream. add in some cocoa powder and some peanut butter for flavour.
I have a lot of recipes on pintrest, and I haven't found a dud one yet.