Sunday, 25 May 2014


Despite my best efforts, my children, especially my eldest, are sugar fiends. Today we had lunch at Mum's and she served ice cream for pudding. I was relieved to find I wasn't remotely tempted as I often over indulge at Mum's. My son asked for seconds though and I had an argument with Mum about why that was not acceptable. Later, when I wasn't looking, she fed him a chocolate bar. Juggling the different expectations and desires of family members is hard. Teaching children healthy habits is hard. There comes a time when peer pressure kicks in that you have to trust them to make the right choices. Doesn't look like my 7 year old is not quite on the right track.

Anyway, I was going to discuss thirst. My diabetic relative reports she does not feel thirst like she should. I know she often eats when it is actually thirst she is feeling. Anyway, since giving up sugar, I've become more aware of my sense of thirst and it's much easier to distinguish from hunger.  I don't have to remind myself to drink anymore. That has to be a good thing.

This week I am not feeling full of energy. I also haven't lost any weight. I suspect increased bread consumption is playing a part.  Bread and I don't get on. I'm just finding hard to actually eat enough and have been topping up with bread.  I'll sort that out this in the coming week :-)

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